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Gear: Yoga Mats

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About Yoga Mats & Accessories

At Altitude Sports we offer a wide range of yoga mats and accessories including sticky mats, thick mats, and carry straps to match for novices and yoga instructors alike.

Ancient History

Derived from the Sanskrit word that means, “yoke” or “union”, Yoga is meant to bring people together through physical, mental, and spiritual practices. From a long history of movement, Yoga has evolved and, so too, have the accessories that go with it.
Over many, many years, yoga became popular across the world and continues to grow to this day. With this growth came much innovation to help aid in the practice of... yoga making it more accessible to everyone.
Go beyond the best yoga pants and apparel, From kits for kids by Merrithew to sticky yoga mats and the Halfmoon Meditation Chair, at Altitude Sports, we carry all your studio needs.

Get In Position With Altitude Sports

A bad yoga mat shouldn’t keep you from daily practice but finding the right one will make a world of difference when you’re at the studio. That’s why we offer a wide range of yoga mats in different shapes, sizes, and materials.
While most yoga mats will do the trick, there is a notable difference between material offerings. PVC and natural rubber mats are textured materials that are the most sticky, durable, and long lasting out of the bunch. And, because they’re easy to clean, these mats are especially great for hot yoga class––paired best with a yoga towel.
Materials like cork are a great environmentally friendly option and can make a rather lightweight yoga mat. But, the material is smooth which means it’s less sticky. With that in mind, cork mats are better suited for low-sweat sessions or, try out this durable hybrid by B Mat.
At Altitude Sports we offer the best yoga mats available but, if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day return policy for Canadians. Even better, shipping is free for purchases over $74 across Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which type of yoga mat is best?

The best yoga mat depends on what you’re looking for in a mat. PVC is an easy choice––it’s sticky and therefore has good bottom and top traction. You can find PVC mats in an array of thicknesses and the material will last for years.
On the other hand, mats made of cotton, jute, and cork may not last as long, aren’t found in as many thicknesses, and may not be as sticky as PVC. However, they are a more environmentally sound choice for both the yogi and nature. Consider a hybrid option like this B Mat Cork Yoga Mat.
Lastly, natural rubber. Similar to its PVC cousin, natural rubber is a great alternative. It’s easy to clean, breathable, long-lasting, has a grippy texture, and is gentler on skin.

What is the difference between a yoga mat and a gym mat?

Consider the difference between gym-goers and yoga-posers: yoga positions typically require more traction to accommodate long holds. Gym workouts tend to be more dynamic with more sweating involved.
With this in mind, yoga mats have a tougher surface area to help the yogi stay in position. Gym mats are typically smoother making them easier to clean after a tough day of working out.

What is the point of a yoga mat?

Originally referred to as a “sticky mat”, this yoga accessory was first pioneered by Angela Farmer in 1982 and has evolved commercially to become the “yoga mat”. The point of a yoga mat is to aid stability during poses by adding a friction barrier. The stickiness on the top and bottom of the mat reduce the chance of the mat, and the yogi, from slipping. The thickness of a yoga mat can provide comfort to joints and reduce the risk of rug burn.

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